IBHS was successful in getting a number of important code changes adopted into the 2021 International Codes (I-Codes) and the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code (FBC).
Changes to the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code (FBC)
IBHS proposed the following code changes to the Florida Building Commission, which were approved for the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Building (FBCB) and the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code, Residential (FBCR).
With the addition of sealing the roof deck to the Florida Building Code, requirements for a large portion of the state now closely mirror FORTIFIED Home™ Gold standards.
Sealed Roof Deck (FBCB and FBCR)
The sealed roof deck requirements in IBHS’s FORTIFIED standards will now apply statewide in Florida. The following are a couple of modifications to the FORTIFIED criteria that IBHS supported:
- Synthetic underlayment, meeting the criteria specified, will be permitted to be used as an alternate to ASTM D226 Type II or ASTM D4869 Type IV underlayment.
- Tile roofs will be permitted to have underlayment installed in accordance with the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Association (FRSA) Roof Tile Manual which meets or exceeds FORTIFIED criteria. (FBC 7696 and 7694)
A sealed roof deck is recommended in the Hurricane Michael in Florida FEMA Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) Report.
(See recommendation FL-14e / Page 6-14)
ASCE 7-16 (FBCB and FBCR)
The FBCB and the FBCR have been updated to reference and be fully coordinated with ASCE 7-16. (FBC 7226 and 7262)
Roof Deck Attachment (FBCR)
New prescriptive tables have been added specifying the thickness of wood structural panels and the size and spacing of ring-shank nails to meet ASCE 7-16. The new requirements are more restrictive than the 6th Edition (2017) FBC-R for many areas of Florida. (FBC 7715)
Inspection Steps Outlined during Construction (FBCB)
New criteria has been added to Chapter 1 specifically requiring “in-progress” inspections of exterior wall coverings and soffits. (FBC 7647)
Soffit and exterior wall covering inspections by local building departments is recommended in the Hurricane Michael in Florida FEMA Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) Report.
(See recommendations FL-15b and FL17a / Page 6-16)
Soffits (FBCR)
Similar to the code change approved for the 2021 IRC, a completely new section dedicated to soffits, installation and design wind loads will be added. Two new figures have been added specifically addressing span limits and fastener installation criteria for vinyl soffits. The new language makes it clear that soffits have to be designed or tested to meet the applicable wind loads. (FBC 7821)
Improved installation of soffits is recommended in the Hurricane Michael in Florida FEMA Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) Report.
(See recommendations FL-15a and FL-15d / Page 6-15)
Changes to the 2021 I-Codes
IBHS proposed the following code changes to the International Code Council (ICC), which were approved for the 2021 International Building Code® (IBC)® and the 2021 International Residential Code® (IRC)®.
Sealed Roof Deck (IRC)
The sealed roof deck requirements in FORTIFIED will now apply in all areas where the design wind speed is 130 mph and greater. (ICC RB275-19 and RB274-19)
Soffits (IRC)
A completely new section dedicated to soffits, installation, and design wind loads will be added. Two new figures have been added specifically addressing span limits and fastener installation criteria for vinyl soffits. The new language makes it clear that soffits have to be designed or tested to meet the applicable wind loads. This change will ultimately improve the wind resistance of soffits. (ICC RB234-19)
Garage Door Labeling (IRC and IBC)
Garage doors will now require a permanent label indicating the manufacturer, model/series number, positive and negative design wind pressure rating, and applicable test standard. Having labels on garage doors will provide the necessary documentation regarding garage door design pressure rating to building officials and inspectors and facilitate replacement of the doors. (ICC S109-19 and RB215-19)

Impact Protective Device (Hurricane Shutters) Labeling (IBC)
Impact protective devices such as hurricane shutters will now be required to be permanently labeled indicating the manufacturer, product designation, and performance characteristics (this is similar to a successful code change IBHS submitted that was approved for the 2018 IRC). (ICC S110-19)

ASCE 7-16 (IRC)
ASCE 7-16 will be fully coordinated with the 2021 IRC. While the 2018 IRC updated ASCE 7 to the 2016 edition in the reference standard chapter, the wind map, simplified component and cladding load table, and other criteria were not updated. Wind loads on roofs have significantly increased. (ICC RB35-19)
Update of the ICC Figure to Include ICC Territories Subject to High Wind Design (IRC)
This proposal corrected Figure R301.2(5) by including Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, and Hawaii under the Wind Design Required areas for residential construction. (ICC RB32-19)