DDA: Suburban Wildfire Adaptation | December 8-10, 2020
Our first virtual DDA explored how IBHS developed the suburban adaptation roadmaps, exploration of the critical action steps for homeowners, and provided an overview of components of a home and its surroundings from the riskiest decisions to best practices in making homes and communities more resilient to the growing wildfire threat.
- How our wildfire research led to the roadmaps
- Critical mitigation actions to reduce risk
- Roadmap paths for a home’s components and its surroundings
- Live demonstrations showing how mitigation affects risk
Who attends the Disaster Dynamics Academy?

Day 1 Keynote Presentation
Home Ignition Zone Lab Demonstration
IBHS & the Suburban Adaptation Roadmaps
Day 2 – The Critical Actions
Asphalt Shingles & Fire Ratings Lab Demonstration
Day 3 – Leveling Up, The Path to Wildfire Resistance
Deck Construction and Fire Lab Demonstration