When & Where:
December 10, 2024
12:05-1:00 P.M. E.T.
Member-Exclusive Event:
As climate change increases the frequency, severity, and footprint of wildfires, strip malls across the country are increasingly at risk. With diverse occupancies and uses under the same roof, strip malls face a unique set of risks that demand tailored strategies to mitigate wildfire threats effectively.
Join IBHS’s Commercial Programs Manager Chris Cioffi, EIT, to gain insights on identifying responsible parties for preparedness, components of the structure that are vulnerable, and what resilience measures to take to help protect strip malls against the threats of wildfire.
IBHS Experts:
- Chris Cioffi (bio)
Who should watch:
Team members from Commercial Lines Loss Control, Underwriting, Claims, Product Management, Trainers and others.
Note: This is a Members-Only Event.
You will need to pre-register for the live event. Existing members, Login Here.
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