This three-part series provides an introduction to the wildfire risk and tools available to reduce risks. This series acts as a Wildfire 101 tutorial to help IBHS members understand the hazard, why it behaves the way it does, how risks are increasing and what to do to reduce those risks, and what role risk assessment modeling has in preparing for future events. Topics include:
Fire Behavior Triangle
Wildland fire is governed by three environmental components:
- Weather
- Fuel
- Topography
Built Environment
Wildland fire is a natural phenomenon and necessary for the health of some ecosystems. An important first step in developing resilience to this hazard is acknowledging that, despite our best efforts to reduce the wildfire hazard, it will continue to be a threat. The path toward adapting to this threat is to find ways to limit the impact of wildfires on the built environment by preventing the ignition of structures.
Risk Assessment Modeling
Identifying and analyzing potential (future) events that may negatively impact individuals, assets, and/or the environment.