Manufactured Homes & Attached Structures

Research IBHS researches the high-wind performance of manufactured homes with attached structures to develop guidance for effective mitigation measures. This research also provides opportunity to measure full-scale wind loads on these structures, which can be used to evaluate existing building code wind loads. Demonstration IBHS, in conjunction with the American Modern Insurance Group, conducted a…

FORTIFIED vs. Common Residential Construction

Research IBHS conducts research on full-scale residential structures to understand performance under real-world conditions. Results are used to inform the IBHS FORTIFIED Standards and other guidance. Demonstration Two full-scale, two-story, 1,300-square-foot houses were placed next to each other in the test chamber—one built using conventional construction standards common in the Midwest, and one built to…

Commercial High Wind Research

Research IBHS researches ways to improve commercial building performance in high-wind events. Results of this research inform IBHS guidance on methods and materials for commercial construction. Demonstration In July 2012, IBHS conducted its first full-scale, high-wind test of commercial structures at its Research Center. The test compared and contrasted performance in high-wind conditions between two…

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners

Research Water entry into a building can damage the floor, interior walls, and other interior finishes leading to costly repairs and loss of use of the room or building. Anecdotal observations point to packaged terminal air conditioners (PTAC)—wall-based, in-room heating and cooling units often found in hotels, apartment buildings, healthcare facilities and in some single-family homes—as a…

Single-Ply Membrane Roofs

Single Ply Roofing Industry Research During 2017, IBHS staff met again with the Single Ply Roofing Industry (SPRI) organization regarding various uplift test options and a set of action plans to better understand wind loads and performance of flexible roof membranes. SPRI has created a task force to examine how single-ply roof systems are evaluated…

Standing Seam Metal Roofs

Research The performance of commercial roof systems under wind loads is dependent on two main factors: (1) the wind loads the building is subjected to and (2) how these wind loads are transferred through the roof system. While there is a good understanding of the wind loads that low-rise buildings are subjected to, the performance…

Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

Research IBHS has been examining wind effects on roof-mounted PV solar panel arrays (groups of solar panels that often are seen on commercial roofs). This research is of growing importance as the number of solar energy installations is increasing rapidly around the country. Solar panels and arrays that fail or become detached can cause extensive…

Roof Aging Farm Research

The only lab in the world that can test full-scale one- and two-story residential and commercial buildings in a controlled, repeatable fashion for highly realistic windstorms, wind-driven rain, hailstorms and wildfire ember storms utilizing the unique features below.

Coastal Hazards: Going Green and Building Strong

Coastal Hazards: Going Green and Building StrongSummary Coastal resilience means taking meteorological realities facing our coastlines into account so the impact of severe weather events can truly become a “bump in the road,” rather than an economic and environmental disaster for coastal communities. This is increasingly important based on both demographic and weather trends. The…

Community Resilience

Community Resilience Resilient communities are capable of bouncing back from adverse situations with minimal downtime to restore basic community, government, and business services. Resilient communities are those that adopt and enforce strong building codes and encourage even stronger protections, take proactive steps to mitigate risks, engage in sustainable land use planning, pay particular attention to…