
Why Did Only One Side of This Home Burn?

Resources from the 2019 wildfire demo at the IBHS Research Center, including additional guidance from past research.

Why Defensible Space?

Wind-borne embers can blow more than a mile away from a wildfire and are a leading cause of home ignitions during these events. Embers can ignite dead vegetation next to your house or on your house, causing significant damage. Flames or radiant heat from your home can then ignite neighboring houses, making a community approach critical to reducing risks. Learn more about how you can reduce risks by creating/maintaining defensible space.

In The News


IBHS Wildfire
Research Timeline

Headwaters Report:
Construction Costs

Noncombustible Zone Report

Ignition Potential of Decks Subjected to an Ember Exposure Report

Roof Research Fact Sheet

Vent Research Fact Sheet

Op-Ed in San Francisco Chronicle

Guidance for Home and
Business Owners

Remember the Ember

How’d We Do This?

Creating a Wildfire Inside the IBHS Research Center


Wind plays a role in all wildfires. Our 105 fans provide realistic wind gusts that blow embers up to a mile away from the flames in a wildfire.


We burned vegetation to see the amount and size of embers produced.

More Research

…and looked at the effect of flames from various distances from building exteriors.

Moving the Building into the Chamber

Moving the building specimen into the large test chamber requires overcoming a good deal of logistical challenges.

The Building in the Chamber

Media Contacts

Brent Henzi
(850) 879-0156