October 12, 2021
11 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. ET / 8 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. PT
Join us via the link below:
What to Expect:
[Members-Only] Join us for a 30-minute progress briefing on the new Wildfire Prepared Home designation program. Learn about how the advances in wildfire science has enabled this program, the components of a wildfire prepared home, and how the designation process will be implemented. As we are continuing to develop the program for homeowners to achieve meaningful wildfire risk reductions at the parcel level, get an inside look at the program and to the future of achieving this at the community level.
Who should watch:
Member company staff in modeling, claims, marketing, agents, product management, research, underwriting, and any others who are interested.

Note: This is a Members-Only Event. Although you do not need to register for the event, you will need to be logged-in to view the Live Broadcast. Click here if you do not have an IBHS login yet.