NOVEMBER 2 & 3 (2 Days)
November 2:
12 Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. PT
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LIVE: Structure Separation Test
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ET
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. PT
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November 3:
12 Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. PT
REPLAY: Structure Separation Test
1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PT
What to Expect
Our final Disaster Dynamics Academy for 2021 will focus on the catastrophic impacts of wildfires when they spread into our built environment. This will be an IBHS live streamed virtual event, featuring an accomplished group of expert guest speakers alongside IBHS wildfire specialists Dr. Faraz Hedayati and Daniel Gorham. Together we will explore the wildfire risk to high-density neighborhoods and communities, how fire can spread from structure to structure, and how community planning and design can help reduce the risk. Participants will also be able to view a special livestream of science in action as IBHS conducts a controlled burn experiment for our ongoing research into how fire spreads between structures.
Guest speakers:
Greg Dillon
Director of the Fire Modeling Institute, US Forest Service, Missoula Fire Laboratory
Alex Maranghides
Fire Protection Engineer, Wildland Urban Interface Fire Group, National Institute for Standards and Technology.
Dr. Michael Gollner
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkley
Molly Mowery
Executive Director of the Community Wildfire Planning Center; founder of Wildfire Planning International (WPI)
Who should watch
Member company staff in modeling, claims, marketing, product management, research, underwriting, and any others who are interested.
Additional Resources:

This is a past event.
Members, login here to watch the recording of this event.
Day 1 – November 2
Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET
Fire Spread in the Built Environment
Guest speaker presentations followed by our live panel discussion.
Greg Dillon
Director of the Fire Modeling Institute, US Forest Service, Missoula Fire Laboratory
Topic: The threat wildfires pose to our suburban communities and how we evaluate the large-scale fire risk communities face.
For more on our guest, speaker visit:
Dr. Michael Gollner
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkley
Topic: Wildfire science continues to advance and our knowledge of the threat of ember-driven ignitions is increasing quickly. We will explore some of the recent advances in this area and use them to help reconstruct the events of the Tubbs Fire and its catastrophic outcome as fire spread into a dense suburban landscape.
For more on our guest speaker, visit:
Molly Mowery
Executive Director of the Community Wildfire Planning Center and founder of Wildfire Planning International (WPI)
Topic: As science advances our ability to mitigate the impacts of wildfires on our communities does too. Community planning can be used to help lower vulnerabilities to wildfire and stopping their spread once they enter our built environment both when considering new communities but how we adapt our existing ones to the threat from wildfire.
For more on our guest speaker, visit:
A Q & A discussion will follow featuring our guests alongside IBHS wildfire experts Daniel Gorham and Faraz Hedayati, hosted by Christina Gropp.
During this time, we will also preview our live Structure Separation Burn Test with a live look-in with Armand Broady.
Structure Separation Test Live: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ET
IBHS will bring you live coverage of this structure separation burn test from the IBHS Research Center. Join Christina Gropp, Ian Giammanco, and Armand Broady as they take you inside wildfire science at IBHS.
Day 2 – November 3
Noon – 1:30 p.m. ET
Camp Fire Case Study
Guest Speaker:
Alex Maranghides
Fire Protection Engineer, Wildland Urban Interface Fire Group, National Institute for Standards and Technology
Topic: Case study of fire spread inside a community based on the Camp Fire.
Q & A discussion will follow, with our speaker and IBHS Wildfire Specialist Dr. Faraz Hedayati joining Alex to answer your questions. Hosted by Christina Gropp.
For more on our guest speaker, visit:
1:30 pm – 2:30 p.m. ET: Replay of Structure Separation Test
If you couldn’t join us live, we will replay the coverage of our structure separation test burn and be available in Chat to answer questions.
*Weather contingency: Structure Separation Test Live: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. ET
IBHS will bring you live coverage of this structure separation burn test from the IBHS Research Center. Join Christina Gropp, Ian Giammanco, and Armand Broady as they take you inside wildfire science at IBHS. {streamed to DDA attendees on the event page, and to our social channels Facebook & YouTube}
Thoughts from Past Attendees
“This information was very helpful and is of value to my role in the claims organization. Info regarding the inaccuracy of observer data is a key callout as it is often foundational in deploying claim associates. I would recommend [DDA] to all Directors in our Underwriting, Product and Claim organizations.”
DDA Attendee
“I am responsible for my company’s disaster response, so the information about your deployment and tracking was very helpful.”
DDA Attendee
“I focus on the pricing aspect of CAT perils, so learning more about the science behind the perils is extremely helpful.”
DDA Attendee
“We will integrate the information from this into risk assessment modeling.”
DDA Attendee
“I left with several ideas for improving post-loss analytic practices.”
DDA Attendee