WASHINGTON, D.C., September 22, 2022 – In invited testimony to the U.S. House Financial Services Committee, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) President and CEO Roy Wright urged lawmakers toward a comprehensive approach for wildfire mitigation, including actions to retrofit homes to limit the impact of wildfire, strongly enforced codes for buildings and defensible space, and consistent public communications about the mitigation actions that matter most.

Vulnerability of Decks to Embers and Flames

Research Attached decks are a vulnerable component of a building in wildfire-prone areas. Once ignited, decks can expose a building’s cladding (siding), exterior wall components such as windows and doors, and the under-eave area to flames and radiant heat. This exposure can result in severe damage or destruction of the building. In a wildfire, decks…

Commercial Stone Ballasted Roof Systems

Research Stone ballasted roof systems are used on a variety of low-slope commercial buildings to protect the roof from inclement weather. While these systems are known to perform well against hail, they can fail during high winds, which can cause significant damage to the building and neighboring structures. IBHS performed wind tests at different parapet…